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زيت الليمون العطري العضوي 10 مل

زيت الليمون العطري العضوي 10 مل

View Amina's Natural Skin Care
Regular price 8.250 JOD
Regular price Sale price 8.250 JOD
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زيت الليمون العطري العضوي

لزيت الليمون رائحة الحمضيات المنعشة الشبيهة بقشر الليمون.

هذا الزيت مطهر ومنعش ومضاد للجراثيم. قابض ومفيد جدا للبشرة الدهنية والشعر الدهني. كما يعالج التهابات الجلد مثل حب الشباب، الدمامل والبثور.

 طارد للحشرات يمكن رشه في جميع أرجاء المنزل.

من الممكن مزجه مع زيت البيرغموت وزيت الخزامى وزيت الجيرانيوم وزيت الملالوكا.

*يمكن أن يسبب التحسس الشمسي في حالة الاستخدام المباشر المباشر على الجلد بتركيز أكثر من (2%) من الزيت في غضون (12) ساعة من التعرض للشمس.

A fresh, citrus similar to ripe zesty lemon peel.

With its zesty aroma that helps uplift the mood and add freshness to your home. It’s refreshing and cleansing with very important bactericidal and anti-viral properties used for many skin infections.  It is well known for its ability to cleanse toxins from the body and it’s widely used to stimulate lymphatic drainage, purify skin, fight bacteria and fungi.
It has astringent properties and is very helpful for oily skin and hair.

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Recommended Uses:

1. Skin Astringent: Natural astringent and is highly effective against greasy skin. Has a toning effect on the skin reducing wrinkles. Use by applying 2-1 drops directly onto the spot. Add to Amina's Creams for an astringent moisturiser. 

2. Acne: It is antimicrobial and is highly effective against acne and blemishes. Add drops directly to spots. Alternatively add to cotton wool and apply with face oil or cream. 

3. Mind & Emotion: Helps lift the spirit and clear the mind. Very useful for tension headaches. Add 4 drops of oil to water and diffuse into your home or office. Add a few drops to Amina's Shower oil and apply in shower or massage.

 4. Face Wash: Can be used on your skin to improve your complexion and leave your skin soft and supple. Simply combine 2–3 drops of lemon oil with your facial wash or soap. 

5. Immunity: With its antimicrobial properties it can be used to improve immunity. Add 3 drops to Amina's Shower oil or cream and rub onto chest and neck. 


Lemon is well known for its ability to cleanse toxins from the body and it’s widely used to stimulate lymphatic drainage, purify skin, fight bacteria and fungi. It has a zesty aroma that helps uplift the mood and add freshness to your home.

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