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زيت إكليل الجبل العطري العضوي 10 مل

زيت إكليل الجبل العطري العضوي 10 مل

View Amina's Natural Skin Care
Regular price 10.800 JOD
Regular price Sale price 10.800 JOD
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زيت إكليل الجبل العطري العضوي

لزيت إكليل الجبل رائحة قوية كرائحة الأعشاب المنعشة.

وله خصائص علاجية عدة فهو مسكن ومضاد للإكتئاب. وهو فعال في حالة الإرهاق الذهني ومشاكل الدورة الدموية. مفيد في تخفيف الام العضلات ومفيد للجهاز التنفسي.

يمكن استخدامه في المبخرة ، أو مزجه بزيوت العناية بالبشرة والشعر بالإضافة إلى ماء الإستحمام.

من الممكن مزجه مع زيت النعناع وزيت الليمون وزيت الخزامى.

Organic Lavender Essential Oil
Lavandula angustifolia

A very familiar floral fresh smell.

It reduces anxiety and emotional stress. A powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, sedative, calming with anti-depressant properties. It is gentle enough to apply directly onto skin. A balancing oil that is calming and restorative.
Helps relieve stress and nervous tension disorders.

Download Essential Oils guide

Recommended Uses:

1. Improve Brain Function: Treats depression and boosts mood. Add 4 drops to a diffuser. Inhale directly from the bottle. Apply topically to the temples, back of the neck and ears. 

2. Skin Enhancer: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help ease skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Mix 5-3 drops of oil with 2/1 teaspoon of Amina's Chamomile Shower Oil and apply the mixture to the area of concern. You can use your fingers or a clean cotton pad. Add several drops to Amina's Aloe Vera cream and apply to irritated areas. 

3. Improve Sleep: To improve your quality of sleep and help relax. Add 4 drops to water and diffuse through a humidifier. Add a few drops to pillow before sleep. Diffuse oil in your bedroom before and during sleep. 

4. Relax: Helps to relax the body. Good for relieving headaches. Add 15 drops of oil to bath tub for a relaxing soak. Add 15 drops to 1 cup of Amina's Pure Dead Sea Salts for a relaxing soothing bath. 

5. Pain Reliever: Helps to relieve headaches, migraines and pains associated with sciatica, shingles and muscle pain. Add 5 drops of oil to Amina's Shower oil and massage into the painful area. Add 10-5 drops to bath water for a pain-relieving soak Add to 1 cup of Amina's Pure Dead Sea Salts for a relaxing soothing bath.


Lavender reduces anxiety and emotional stress. A powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, sedative, calming with anti-depressant properties. It is gentle enough to apply directly onto skin. 

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